Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Blogging 'Not Hip' Anymore?

While blog-hopping, I noticed there are alot of blogs that haven't been updated in MONTHS! Is blogging becoming 'uncool' now? I know that I haven't been keeping up with my own blog as much....but most know what is going on at home and why I just don't have the mental energy to write something. Nor have I had time to really hit everyone else's blogs to comment....the words just can't seem to find their way from my brain to my fingers.

I'm just curious....I know that I will continue to blog when the urge hits...but why are so many others not keeping us up to date?

Said by Kim at 5:29 AM

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Saturday, August 19, 2006


Well, we went to see Nickelback, along with Chevelle and Hoobastank Friday night. The fourth band, and the first to play was Hinder...but we missed them. We were late because Kathy's husband Dean was involved in a auto accident on his way home Friday afternoon at about 4:30. He wasn't hurt, and there was only slight damage to his pickup...but the ASSHOLE who caused the accident was a 27 year old punk, who ran a stop sign, and plowed right into the drivers' side of a 51 year old woman's car who had the right of way. The punk's blood alcohol level was 3 TIMES the legal limit, and he broadsided the woman's car going 80 miles an hour. Dean said he was sitting at the intersection, and watched the punk's car spin toward his truck. The poor woman's car was pushed 100 feet behind! Needless to say, the woman was killed on impact. The punk is in the hospital today with a broken arm...Dean said it looked like a pretzel. The newspaper said this morning that this asshole will be charged with second-degree murder, and DUI. F*CKING ASSHOLE!! I hope he becomes the bitch of some guy named Bubba in prison.

So, we arrived to the concert late, understandably. But we did see Chevelle, and Hoobastank. They were ok....I can do without the screaming vocals though. Why can't they SING, instead of scream???

Nickelback was EXCELLENT, though! I really enjoyed them. They didn't come on until almost 10 pm, though, and only played until 11:15. But I would DEFinitely go see them again for sure!'s some of the better Nickelback pictures that I snapped last night - we were pretty far back, so they aren't the greatest....but my Lep/Journey pictures in October will be AWESOME, I can guarantee that!:

Said by Kim at 6:22 AM

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Sunday, August 13, 2006


WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! Def Leppard and Journey are coming to the Save Mart Center on Oct. 11th!!!!!! Kathy and I are SOOOOO at this one! We will probably cancel our tickets for Mountain View, and do the 5* package here instead.

2 minutes travel time, as opposed to 3 hours?? Yeah....this is SO much more convenient!

Anyone out there care to join the party at the Save Mart Center on Oct. 11??? YIPPPEEEEEE!!!!

Said by Kim at 2:43 PM

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Friday, August 11, 2006

My MonaVie Website

I've created my own MonaVie website! So please take a moment to visit, and read more about this WONDERFUL product! I'm still sold on it, and I want everyone to feel as good as I do!

Kim's MonaVie Website

Said by Kim at 6:03 PM

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Another Mis-spelled Sign!

I didn't get a picture of it this morning, but when I walked out of the Starbucks this morning near the Ramada Inn, I glanced up at their Welcome sign, and I couldn't believe there was another misspelled "Welcome" greeting.....instead of saying "EAST Fresno Kiwanas", some dim lightbulb doing the spelling put this instead: "AEST Fresno Kiwanas".

Obviously there is a village missing an idiot somewhere....

Said by Kim at 7:38 AM

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Friday, August 04, 2006

A Few Pictures

***TWO NEW PICTURES ADDED TO THIS POST ON 8/5/06*** I've been meaning to post a couple of pictures I'd taken at the end of July, but I haven't had the time to do it! So, while I had some free minutes this evening, I thought I'd do just that. Nothing special....just random shots. The REALLY special pictures will come at the end of this month after the Def Leppard show! HAHAHAHA!!!

This was a funky looking cloud from July looks like rain was trying really hard to make it to the ground, but never did....but it looks pretty cool just the same:

This is a picture of about 4 or 5 huge eucalyptus trees that have lined the road next to the Fresno State Ag field for as long as I can remember. But they are now gone. :-( I suspect the road is being widened to accomodate the traffic leaving events at the Save Mart Center, which is located just beyond these trees. I'm so sad to see these trees go...I always loved driving by them every day:

Now here's the new picture of the trees all gone...damn it! You can see that the road is being torn up, so logic would suggest that the road is being widened, considering this portion of the road had only been 2 lanes:

And get a load of this....the Halloween Superstore is ALREADY SETTING UP next to our office for another season! It's only August 4th! But there have been trucks hauling boxes into the building since the end of July! Talk about getting a head start:

I don't know if this is because of the extreme heat we had last week and the week before, but I noticed that leaves are starting to fall already, and starting to change on some trees - this is one of the trees in the parking lot at work:

Now here is one of the trees in our yard...are the colors caused by the extreme heat, or are we going to have an early fall??

Have a great weekend!

Said by Kim at 9:20 PM

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Happy Birthday to Joe Elliott...who has the sexiest pair of green eyes I've ever seen! 47 never looked so good!

Said by Kim at 7:21 AM

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